Trees Meet Sea is an innovative exhibition created by the Assynt based poet, Mandy Haggith.
Mandy will be exploring the “splashy, rippling, leafy diversity of life where trees come down to the ocean’s shore”. Her collaboration with fourteen other artists will cover a wide range of media, inspired by, or inspiring her poetry. Each piece is celebrated with a poem written by Mandy.
Artists providing artworks include ceramicists Lotte Glob, Fergus Stewart and Kirsty O’Connor, woodsman Chris Goodman, metal sculptor Helen Denerley, painters James Hawkins, Peter White, Kathy Sutherland and David Sandum, filmmaker Bill Ritchie, textile artist Jan Kilpatrick plus artists in residence at Inverewe, Ann Coomber, Dorje Khandro Dawid and Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie.
As Mandy describes, “through a meeting of words and things, text and texture, time and tide, the wonder of the water’s edge will be explored. This meeting of poetry and visual art will demonstrate our inherent connectedness with nature and with each other and our ability to speak across the margins of our lives and to find and make beauty where we mingle.”
There will be an opening event to which all are invited on Monday 11th April.
Book of the Sea by Lotte Glob - one of the many works in the exhibition
Mandy Haggith - poet